Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Apr 03, 2012: Husband kills wife, commits suicide

TNN Apr 2, 2012, 05.37AM IST
MADURAI: A man killed his wife and then hanged himself on Sunday morning after the wife's family was allegedly taking the girl for frequent exorcist rituals, believing her to be possessed.
Sendilkumar (27) a carpenter from Mela Anupanadi had got married to Kanika (21) in February this year. However, post the marriage Kanika started falling sick frequently. Her parents, believing that she could be possessed by an evil spirit, started taking her to many temples to perform exorcist rituals. This irked Sendil who started opposing his in-laws over taking his wife to the temples. Police sources said that the girl was taken to her parent's house 20 days ago and Sendil picked up a quarrel with them before bringing her back home.
On the wee hours of Sunday morning, the couple apparently picked up a quarrel and Sendil strangulated Kanika to death with a rope. Frustrated over her death, he then hanged himself using her sari. Sendil also left behind a suicide note where he mentioned that the girl's parents were not allowing them to lead a happy family life. Teppakulam police have registered a case in this regard.
Link: Husband kills wife, commits suicide

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