Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jan 2, 2013: 12-year-old battles epilepsy after rape

By , TNN | Jan 2, 2013, 03.24 AM IST
AHMEDABAD: This 12-year-old from Singalwada in Karjan battles severe epilepsy. She remains withdrawn all day, has dropped out of school and hardly interacts with anyone. Three to four times a week, she suffers from epileptic attacks after which she remains unconscious for a long time. It is difficult to imagine that just two years back she was a bright, happy child who used to love going to school and draw in her books.

The girl was raped when she was only 10. She was attacked by her neighbour who lured her into playing with him and brutally assaulted her. After the rape, the girl's life has changed irretrievably. Her rapist was sent to a ten year jail sentence but the trauma did not leave her.

"Recently, she has become agitated after she saw his tormenter free. He was granted parole despite his father writing against the same," says Manjula Pradeep of Navsarjan. The girl will be brought to the city for consultation with a neuro-physician.

Pradeep says that rape, especially on minors, is a life scarring event as the mental and physical traumas refuse to heal. "The parents shifted their home from the village and moved to another place altogether to escape from the stigma. But the girl has not been able to recover from the assault. A bright girl has been transformed into a scared child who has lost the twinkle in her eyes. It is our duty to help her and get her to embrace life again," says Pradeep.
Link: 12-year-old battles epilepsy after rape

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