Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oct 27, 2012: Man held for raping daughter

TNN | Oct 27, 2012, 11.15PM IST
RAJKOT: A 35-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly raping his 13-year-old daughter repeatedly over the last three months. The accused Ayyub Notiya of Bajana village of Patdi taluka of Surendranagar district was arrested on Saturday. following a complaint from Nurjahan Motiya, the mother of the victim.
The complainant has alleged that Ayyub had raped her 13-year-old daughter on various occasions.
The child told her mother about being sexually abused just a few days back. This led Nurjahan, the victim's mother, to lodge a complaint with the police on Friday night.
Sources said the victim was sent to a government hospital in Dhrangadhra town for a medical examination. The accused works as a casual labourer in the village.
Link: Man held for raping daughter


    In emulating your post, I developed some suggestions for improvement on your own blog, specifically regarding the labels. I found that there is a great deal of redundancy in your labels, and some omissions.
    For example, you have Against Girl Child, Minor and Teenager all of which are similar. Granted, a 19-year-old girl is no longer a minor, but there must be some terms that could combine them into one (or at most two) labels. Similarly, Infanticide is similar to Kill Baby Girl; Blackmail, Intimidate Victim and Threaten are similar; Forced Sex with Wife and Sexual Assault is similar to Rape; Elderly, Older Women and Senior Citizens are similar; and there are other, seemingly redundant, labels.
    In terms of omissions, you do have Alcohol and Drugs, but not Poison, which I found applicable to a few news articles; you have Sexual Abuse and Assault, but not Abuse; you have Assault and Mental Torture, but not Torture; and you have Dowry but not the equally significant Dowry Death.
    These are just quibbles, and do not detract from the importance of your blog, but I, for one, find them often confusing.
    I wish you continued success, and hope that the day that you will no longer need to continue this blog will come soon.

  2. Hi Micky - I am appreciative of your insights and agree with them, thanks for bringing it to my note! As you have noticed the blog that started from one unfortunate posting to over thousand now, the labels also kept multiplying. In most cases I kept them consistent and the ones you've pointed as redundant were so much on my list to clean up. for instance, elderly, senior citizen, older women are clearly the same as you pointed out - I'll club them together. the reason I didn't label dowry death specifically as I thought I would file it under dowry as a broad phenomenon category and whenever someone would open the dowry label, s/he would find cases of dowry harassment, dowry death etc. As for Torture I think I do have cruelty but I haven't used it so often .. not sure why :). as for Blackmail, my reason of keeping it different than threaten was: as you will find stories pertinent to blackmail has to do with asking the victim to hold the truth for some pornographic image/MMS scandal will be released whereas threatening in most cases is more to do with alleged threat of loss of life. but you are right and in my opinion too, threaten and intimidate victim can be clubbed together.

    Thank you to you too for compiling Oct. stories in your informative blog. I never thought someone across the world will be following the blog (and sharing the same concern on violence against women) - thank you. Although, I wished that more people followed it and talked about (not to make my blog or me popular) but only to raise the burning issues of VAW in India to the forefront but I guess that's the nature of us. In most instances, we only choose to talk about it when its a celebrity raises it from his/her balcony. For such serious issues to be talked in general masses, its taken a common man like us 1.5 yrs to have 4 followers and 1 user who cares to comment :). I am guessing I should lobby for someone from Bollywood to follow the blog so more people do and then one day the law enforcement and our CJ system takes a note of growing violence. Until one starts following the daily numbers, one doesn't know the gravity of situation.

    Last year I had written a newspaper column on state of VAW in India - please consider sharing it with your readership if you will.

    keep in touch and I look forward to your feedback, comments and of course spreading the word around - we continue to do our bit.
