Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jun 12, 2012: Licences of 5 sonography centres suspended, three machines sealed

, TNN | Jun 7, 2012, 05.43AM IST
AURANGABAD: Licences of five sonography centres in the city were suspended and machines in three of them sealed after they were found to have violated the Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994.
Health department officials of Aurangabad Municipal Corporation carried out the action. All these sonography centres were attached to maternity homes, said Jaishree Kulkarni, AMC health officer, on Wednesday. The city has 192 sonography centres.
"We have launched a drive to examine sonography centres to stem female foeticide. We found that many centres were attached to maternity homes and had not maintained proper records,'' she told TOI.
The hospitals whose licences have been suspended are Vinayak Khedkar's Jyoti Hospital, Nirmala Kadam's Dhanwantari Hospital, Manjushri Saoji's Saoji-Tupkari hospital, the Prabhashri Hospital of Manisha Belsare and Deshmukh Hospital of Sachin Deshmukh, she said. Six teams will continue to check all centres and keep a watch.
A similar drive has been initiated in Jalna, civil surgeon Pratap Jadhav told TOI.
"We have identified at least 40 nursing homes with sonography and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) centres which are suspected to be indulging in abortions. So far, we have examined 18 sonography centres out of 101 in the district. For the next two days, we will concentrate on 34 MTP centres in Jalna town. Six teams have been formed, each comprising revenue department officials, doctors and policemen."
Link: Licences of 5 sonography centres suspended, three machines sealed

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